Tuesday, July 12, 2011


The first event I went to outside of the town of Nocona was to a “big city” meeting in Dallas.  There are two state entities that organize economic development:  The Governor’s office has an economic development and tourism department, and there is also the Texas Economic Development Council.  Both consist of members from cities across Texas.  I found it funny that my boss referred to the meeting with the advisors from the Governor’s office, including the Texas Secretary of State, as a big city event.  I learned that one of the most difficult things for a small-town leader is the challenge of wearing two hats.  On the one hand, you have to fit in with a small town and live the lifestyle.  On the other hand, you have to be a part of these statewide organizations full of government and commercial professionals. 

This balancing act is something that we have addressed in the advisory council for the Young Professionals Leadership Program.  There is no standard for professional conduct in rural communities, so the leaders that are rising up and must act as ambassadors with the big city players have to learn both styles.  While making a promise on a handshake is adequate on the ranch, but the leaders have to learn how to make a proper introduction or to send a courteous email.  To teach professionalism skills, we are adding a section on professionalism to the Montague County Young Professionals Leadership Program.

After schmoozing with the big wigs from the governor’s office, Rose, the NEDC executive assistant, and I attended the American Bus Association Meeting.  Their national conference will be in Grapevine in January.  Nocona is a sponsor.  It is kind of funny to think about a town of 3,000 people with limited tourism attractions being a sponsor for a national bus tour conference.  And we are talking major.  The bus tour includes a party on the field of the new Cowboys Stadium.  It costs $15,000 to sponsor margaritas for this event.  You’ve got to be kidding me.  By the way, even the representative from the Cowboys’ Stadium events office looked like an alternate for the Cheerleading squad.  She was probably one boob job away from the position she really wanted.  On the plus side, the meeting was held at a winery in Grapevine.  Yes, please.  

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